Professional Mentoring:
As someone in the architectural profession for over thirty years, I have come to see the actions and behaviors that work towards professional advancement. At all stages of one’s career outside mentorship could help in propelling your advancement, especially in our complex, demanding, sometimes political and everchanging environment. I know I have benefited from a review of my thoughts, assumptions, and work, only to come away from it a stronger professional. I credit several mentors with advancing my career and certainly in working towards my Fellowship.

For more advanced architects wanting to apply to the AIA College of Fellows, I can coach you through the process, assist in creating the stories, assist in prioritizing and cataloging the work, and developing the bridge that connects the work to your statement of intent, demonstrating focus, character, and your contribution to the profession.

Student Project Review:
As an instructor in the university design studio for many years, I can help in opening the creative aspects inherent in all of us. Like a studio critique I can assist with your story telling, developing diagrams, and looking beyond what is asked to bring your project to a higher level of thoughtful discourse. How to present your project in a concise and meaningful way. All of which are essential as you move through your career and build a professional identity that positions you for advancement.

As a complimentary first meeting, the first hour there would be no charge to both professionals and students. If you feel there is a helpful connection, an hourly charge will be used for the next sessions.

I enjoy the collaborative process and I am results oriented, I have no doubt you’ll come away with clarity and direction.